The legend goes that Kanaka Dasa was born in lower caste. The legend goes that Kanaka Dasa was born in lower caste, and was a warrior. Defeat in a war made him take up the path of devotion. He adopted Vaishnavism, i.e. became a devotee of Lord Vishnu.
Lord Krishna was facing East. Lord moved by his prayers is said to have turned toward the back of the temple, i.e West and the temple wall collapsed to form a window, so that Kanaka Dasa could view the Lord. Faith broke the wall!!
Even to this day, Lord Krishna faces the West and he can be seen through the window called "Kanakan Kindi" meaning "Kanaka's window".
wow, nice incident to remind everybody that God sans caste, and listens to true devotion..
PS: removed previous post as it was another gmail ID that I rarely use are on a piligrimage, huh ? ;)
I had heard that kanaka dasa was a "kuruba"...
Even with all these incidents we are still so bent upon our caste system right?
Our elders sing such parises of God with all these examples.. but when it comes to adopting it in real life.. it's a big NO NO!
How dissapointing :(
When God shuns Caste System... the jokers in power want to re-emphasize it by their cheap gimmicks.
Good Post...
Have been to Udupi and have seen the "kanakana kindi". But am not convinced that the incident ever happened :)... nonetheless it does remind us that we are still living in a country where casteism prevails :(...
Wow...SO wonderful.....
Thats correct true faith can bring down any wall. Caste and religion are made of Humans not by God, for God we all are one. Some idots made religions and more idots made caste system.
blessPavan: Yes God listens to true devotion. But who has time for that ? :-)
December: Ha ha ha !! I guess now I shud change my topic to something else.. how about ghosts ???
Shark: True... preaching is different, following is different.
Apun Ka Desh: yes even to this day, we r divided based on caste...
Casy: I do want to go there. We never can autheticate many such incidents... we just believe
Kalpana: Thanks for visiting myu blog and comments.
ekawaaz:God needs just true devotion and faith... he doesn't care of castes.
Balaji: :-)
Nice one !!
This is one small story that tells a lotta meaning. This also means what everyone said, and also means, you'll even turn god towards you with best of your efforts without any expectation. Sounds like an oxymoron?? That's what life is....full buch of OXYMORONS...;)
True, god is everywhere. Always wonder about these policies of excluding people of supposed 'different castes' from temples.
When you visited udupi then?
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